Nevada Walker, PLLC - In the News

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Kirk Walker obtains dismissal of his client after $1,000,000.00 demand

Kirk Walker obtains dismissal of his client after $1,000,000 demand. Former actress Joan Weatherly, brought a lawsuit against several entities, including, Nevada Walker, PLLC’s client, Western Pipeline Construction Corporation. Plaintiff alleged that she tripped on a section of walkway raised nearly two inches higher than the section before it that caused her to fall to the ground and sustain severe injuries. Plaintiff filed suit as Weatherly v. Solera at Anthem Community Association, Inc. et al., case number A-19-802177-C, against various persons and entities for her injuries.

Plaintiff demanded payment of full policy limits of $1,000,000.00 from the client of Nevada Walker, PLLC in August 2019. After litigation for over a year, multiple depositions and discovery, Kirk Walker negotiated a dismissal of all Plaintiff’s claims against its client for no payment. A Stipulation and Order for Dismissal with Prejudice was filed in October 2020, which dismissed Nevada Walker, PLLC’s client entirely.
